by Bryan Williams

One of the key factors that separates good service from truly exceptional service is Consistency. Consistency means repeatable. You are confident that a process is going to happen or someone’s going to do something. Everytime. Whether it’s in the morning or afternoon or evening. Or if it’s a weekend or a weekday. Whether it’s hot or cold outside. Or even regardless of who happens to be working that day.

To drive that point home, take a look at my latest BWTV video, entitled: The Power of Consistency. It is a little over 3-minutes long, and will be a part of our ever-growing BWTV library.

BWTV addresses two key pain points that many organizations have:

1. The need for short, yet high-quality education that doesn’t require you to pull staff away from their department for training.

2. The need for daily reinforcement and motivation so the service excellence message is not merely a one-time training event.

Contact us to learn more or to schedule an online demo!


“We love Bryan Williams and BWTV! The contents of his material and examples that he shares truly resonate with each and every employee regardless of their position. Our staff loves the videos, and I think this is a GREAT way to set the foundation for us to continue to build on and reinforce.”

Kaili Moss, Shore Lodge Resort

“I love BWTV its really helping break things down. I love all the exercises that go with it. No problems, easy to use, even for someone like me who isn’t tech savvy.”

Claudia Alvarado, William Wesley Grand Salon & Spa

“I have followed Bryan Williams for years and was thrilled when I learned about BWTV – this was just the tool I needed to bring Bryan to my teams on an ongoing basis to keep our level of service at WOW. With BWTV my teams can experience the professionalism, connection, and humor that Bryan brings through the videos and I can keep the conversation going with the Discussion Guides. I highly recommend BWTV to any organization that values a high standard of customer service.”

Erin Peck, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health