The need to migrate from a 3G voice to 4G voice + data cellular network is closer than hoteliers think; Visit RoamBoost at HITEC in Booth # 352

BOSTON, MASS. — JUNE 2, 2015 — Hoteliers considering adding a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) to enhance their property’s local cellular coverage to ensure that mobile calls, data transactions and communications are conducted quickly and securely should begin planning their 4G-network infrastructure rollout as soon as possible. In the not-to-distant future 3G-voice networks will not be supported by the mobile carriers. To understand the ins and outs of 3G vs. 4G and better prepare for the future, visit RoamBOOST in Booth #352 at HITEC (Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference) June 16 to 18 at the Austin (Texas) Convention Center.

When cell service became a reality, 2/3G networks were the only platforms that cell carriers offered and mostly for calling, not data. Carriers then rolled out 4G offering data services over the cell platforms. That means the cell carriers are maintaining 2G, 3G and 4G networks. “In an effort to reduce their costs and provide better service to the masses; eliminating 2/3G networks has been a topic of discussion for many years, but just recently Verizon announced that it is initiating its beta rollout of voice calling on their LTE (long term evolution) platform, that means soon AT&T and Sprint will be following suit,” said Pam Angelucci, RoamBOOST senior vice president of operations. “The future is here, and 2G, 3G and 4G will eventually merge onto a single platform. Our advice to hoteliers — especially those involved in infrastructure decisions for new construction properties — is to make the 4G investment today because eventually they will need to make the switch, and at what cost, I just don’t know. 3G may be less expensive today, but replacing it with 4G today will cost considerably less that it will down the road.”

The RoamBOOST DAS uses a network of neutral host antennas that are placed strategically inside a hotel (in corridors, common areas and meeting spaces) or outdoor across recreational areas (such as pool, golf courses, tennis courts, etc.) to address signal strength issues. The system proactively removes any obstacles that could potentially interfere with mobile calls or data transactions. The system works by taking an existing mobile signal and amplifying this throughout problem areas of a hotel. Typically, guests can immediately see a three-bar improvement on their phone’s signal strength meter.

“RoamBOOST matches the unique needs of each hotel, and it is designed to keep guests and staff connected to their cellular networks at all times as it,” Angelucci said. “We encourage hoteliers wanting to learn more about 4G migration to stop by Booth #352 at HITEC.”

Click here to see how RoamBOOST can improve your hotel’s cellular coverage. To pre-schedule an appointment at HITEC to meet with a RoamBOOST associate, email For media inquiries, contact Barb Worcester, PRPRO, at (440) 930-5770 or email