August 26, 2020.

“Overwhelmed, afraid, and confused,” are some of the emotions employees are feeling as they venture back to work. “I want to do a good job, and so many protocols and expectations have changed. It makes me feel incompetent.”

This perspective is rampant. Training has never been more critical as employees feel overwhelmed at work and home, lack clarity on how to deliver on their ever-changing job expectations, all combined with the COVID impact on guest delivery.

“Aspire was on a mission to solve this problem honoring our clients’ realities, our inability to travel, and the fact that our clients around the world needed help re-thinking everything and re-training everyone quickly,” JC Thompson, COO for Aspire. “We synthesized our mission into one question: While operating with limited resources in a one-dimensional computer screen environment and with fear looming everywhere, how will we bring our clients’ programming needs to life, leverage the heart of every participant, and inspire everyone to play ‘all in’?”

The answer: Re-think everything. “Starting with extensive research, technology testers, retooling our training, and the need to re-train our coaching team, we redesigned our learning platforms while honoring our fanatical commitment to highly interactive, emotionally engaging, and performance-driven training. We were obsessed! One other requirement. It had to apply in both virtual and live environments. Game on.”

The challenge operators face daily is how to proactively train and build job confidence during a time where training delivery is not easy, training managers have been let go, and costs are a significant concern. How can they onboard team members proactively and efficiently in a safe environment? How can you ensure your critical leisure guest sales and new ancillary revenues are optimized? How do you teach your leaders how to lead in turbulent times?

Aspire’s new interactive virtual platform allows leaders to quantitatively ensure participation and create accountable learning in an engaging and fun environment. Using the latest technology to energize each participant with real-time activity, break-out interactives, measurement tools, real-life decision making, and immediate impact and reporting, Aspire ensures people play “all in,” so productivity is optimal.

Aspire created a solution that ensures participation, changes participant behavior (which is the only reason anyone hires Aspire), and is accountable. These are done in a sprint methodology (hour or two-hour modules), and are cost-effective.

Aspire’s Virtual Learning Platforms are onboarding and re-onboarding people before they ever hit the employee entrance while anchoring the clients’ brand, messaging, and job-related skill improvements. Aspire has always said, ‘It is your people that set you apart,” and there has never been a more critical time to help them be successful and proud of the name on their paycheck! Your culture is being defined by your people now. Everyone is watching.

Aspire’s Virtual Learning is now available. For more information, watch and see how Aspire does Virtual LearningReach out at to see how Aspire can help you drive revenue virtually.