allianz partners usa
Summer Trip Length and Spending Both on the Rise in 2024
Allianz Partners | August 8, 2024
Average Trip Length Expected to Grow to 4.6 Nights as the Amount Spent on 3-Night Trips Nearly Doubles Over Two Years RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 8, 2024 -- Americans are planning to take longer stretches of time off this summer, according to Allianz Partners USA's 16th Annual Vacation Confidence Index. New research indicates that travel remains a strong priority based on an increase in both average trip length and average spend on room nights, with staggering splurge statistics reported for three-night getaways. Travelers splurge on 3-night trips, nearly doubling their average spend over the last two years. As both trav...
A New Wave of Confident Travelers Emerges Post-Pandemic, With Younger Americans Leading the First-to-Travel Trend
Allianz Partners | August 2, 2023
A Quarter of Americans Will Take "Revenge Travel" Trips this Year RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 2, 2023 -- Americans are ready, willing and confident they will travel this year. The 15th annual Allianz Partners USA's Vacation Confidence Index* underscores the paradigm shift that started during the pandemic around the importance of taking an annual vacation, as Americans continue to prioritize leisure travel time and more have already taken a vacation this year than any other time during the survey's history. According to the travel insurance and assistance's company's latest survey, almost two-thirds (62%) of Americans have taken a vacation in...
Summer Travel Heats Up: Perennial Favorites Orlando and Cancun Lead Top Vacation Destinations
Allianz Partners | May 19, 2023
Allianz Partners USA Reveals Top 2023 Summer Travel Destinations, Top Days for Travel RICHMOND, Va., May 19, 2023 -- With the summer travel rush about to begin, Allianz Partners' Top 10 Summer Travel Destinations review reveals where Americans are escaping to, with Orlando and Cancun once again topping sun-worshippers' must-visit lists. The travel insurance and assistance company analyzed more than 1.6 million flight itineraries* between five and eight days in length for travel booked between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day and found that 73% of the itineraries reviewed were for U.S. domestic trips and 27% of travelers are h...