Hospitality Financial Leadership: The Top 10 Accounts Receivable Controls
David Lund | July 2, 2024
“AR” as we commonly refer to the sub department of the accounting function is a mainstay in any larger group-based hotel. In these juggernauts the importance of efficiently collecting your money is mission critical. Not only do we take the chance that the group will come and stay after we hold all those rooms, but we also roll the dice and give them credit. In today’s business world it would shock many to realize that credit is a common element in these group hotels. It’s common because we need to be competitive; that other hotel around the corner offers a master account and we need to as well. But be warned. Offering credit comes wi...
VR or AR? Will the Hotel Industry Really Cozy Up to Either One?
Andrew Sanders | December 14, 2017
By Andrew Sanders Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)? This is the question. The hotel and travel industry is at a pivotal time regarding technological innovation and how it may impact the future. Do travelers want an immersive experience that they can enjoy from their living room? Alternatively, do they want to be educated and informed while on vacation? While AR and VR have a lot in common, they could also lead us down totally different paths. Augmented reality is a synthetic, computer simulated reality or recreation of a real-time environment where a user can interact with the replicated real environments, whereas virtual ...
Augmented Reality Aims to Create Market Differentiation for Hoteliers
Martin Cudzilo | March 30, 2017
By Martin Cudzilo Augmented reality (AR) is changing the face of many industries, including the hospitality industry. AR was popularized by Pokemon Go just last summer. The incredibly popular game prompts players to go outside with their smartphones and catch virtual Pokemon creatures, which appear on their screen as if the creatures were in their same real-life location. The game generated nearly $1 billion in revenue in six months since its launch, and within a couple of months, people downloaded the mobile game app more than 500 million times. The game's success showed real revenue, real traction, and real interest, and now, AR is in...