augmented reality
HVS Monday Musings: Hotel Industry Tapping the Metaverse
Mandeep S. Lamba | December 5, 2022
By Mandeep Lamba, Dipti Mohan The global revenue from the metaverse* is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 44% between 2022 and 2030, reaching US$1.5 trillion, and is expected to transform a number of industries around the world. Technically speaking, the metaverse is a shared interactive virtual environment where users can create virtual identities and avatars by combining various emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), spatial computing, etc. It is a fully functional virtual environment that coexists with the actual physical world, supported by digital money, items, and assets,...
Ten Hotel Possibilities for the Metaverse
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | August 10, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky Now that the current ‘crypto winter’ is weeding out all the cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes with no real applications or utility, it’s time to put on your futurist cap and ponder some actual use cases for what this coming technology will offer to hotels. For background on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), web3 and all the basics related to how those work, there are lots of great resources out there, and explaining it all would make this article way too long for a casual read. On that note, here are ten possibilities to consider. 1. An Extension of the Experience Economy. We’re b...
How Digital Transformation Is Facilitating Servitization in the Hospitality Industry
EHL | October 19, 2021
Today, guests expect to be provided with a consumer-centric hotel experience from the word go, including when they are choosing a destination. They also want new experiences, faster customer service, the utmost comfort, ... and the list continues to grow. So, how can hotel operators meet these needs? An industry that is ready As various new technologies crop up and market disruptors get to their climax, businesses across various industries are faced with the need for a major overhaul. The hospitality industry is no exception. In 2020, the global hospitality market hit the $3486.77 billion mark and is forecasted to grow to $4132.5 ...
VR or AR? Will the Hotel Industry Really Cozy Up to Either One?
Andrew Sanders | December 14, 2017
By Andrew Sanders Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)? This is the question. The hotel and travel industry is at a pivotal time regarding technological innovation and how it may impact the future. Do travelers want an immersive experience that they can enjoy from their living room? Alternatively, do they want to be educated and informed while on vacation? While AR and VR have a lot in common, they could also lead us down totally different paths. Augmented reality is a synthetic, computer simulated reality or recreation of a real-time environment where a user can interact with the replicated real environments, whereas virtual ...
New Report Suggests U.S. Business Travelers Embrace Emerging Technology, but Fear its Impact on Mankind
Egencia | September 19, 2017
Egencia Business Travel and Technology Survey reveals U.S. business travelers have opposing views on AI and VR compared to global counterparts BELLEVUE, Wash., Sept. 19, 2017 -- Egencia, the business travel arm of Expedia, Inc., found surprising differences in the perceptions and confidence levels of global business travelers on the impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) on corporate travel. Results from the 4th edition Egencia Business Travel and Technology Survey* show business travelers abroad remain much more pessimistic about the potential of emerging technologies to improve th...
Augmented Reality Aims to Create Market Differentiation for Hoteliers
Martin Cudzilo | March 30, 2017
By Martin Cudzilo Augmented reality (AR) is changing the face of many industries, including the hospitality industry. AR was popularized by Pokemon Go just last summer. The incredibly popular game prompts players to go outside with their smartphones and catch virtual Pokemon creatures, which appear on their screen as if the creatures were in their same real-life location. The game generated nearly $1 billion in revenue in six months since its launch, and within a couple of months, people downloaded the mobile game app more than 500 million times. The game's success showed real revenue, real traction, and real interest, and now, AR is in...
Is Your Hotel’s Future “Adopt Augmented Reality or Die?”
Phil Butler | January 19, 2017
By Phil Butler What if every hotel owner in the world were advised to add augmented reality at the next upgrade opportunity, or else? Well, there's no need to panic just yet. For near future reference though, here's a primer on the state of the augmented hotel room state. While the topics of AR and VR have been trending topics for some time now, the push forward for implementation is evident across the spectrum of hotel classes. While the trend has yet to catch on full spectrum, guest wants, the mobile revolution have prompted key brands to implement new tech. As the advantages hotels can gain by using AR technology gain traction though...