brad harding
Tips for Hotels to Take to Increase The Bottom Line in 2017
Brad Harding | December 27, 2016
By Brad Harding, Crucial Tech Guru As 2016 draws to a close, many in the hotel industry are looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs in the new year -- all focused on improving the bottom line. There are many different approaches that hotels can take from reducing energy use, to improving technology offerings to achieve their goals in 2017. Here are several challenges for hotels and tips on how to overcome them: Missed opportunities: These come from not knowing your customer well enough to offer them the customized experience they desire. The front desk is often the first formal touchpoint that a hotel has with its gues...
4 Tips for Hotel Managers to Increase Efficiency in 2016
Brad Harding | February 1, 2016
By Brad Harding With 2016 underway, New Year's resolutions are in full force. While most of us are motivated for the first few weeks, it can be hard to keep long-term commitments without the proper tools. Simple technology best practices can help us maintain productivity in our everyday lives and stay on the right track. The following four tech-centric tips will help you save money and increase productivity as you embark on 2016. Clean Out Your Inbox With numerous emails facing hotel management each day, it can be overwhelming to respond to each inquiry and request. What makes it harder is the amount of spam and unwanted emails that can...
Four Tips to Help Hoteliers Keep Their Computer Systems Running Smooth
Brad Harding | April 6, 2015
By Brad Harding With tens of thousands of hotels across the United States, it can be difficult for hotels to stay competitive. From managing staff to meeting guests' needs, hotel owners have to wear many hats to ensure guests keep coming back. While you may be an expert at training staff on customer service, keeping your hotel's technology system running like new may feel beyond your expertise, but it can make a huge difference in customer happiness. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep your computer system running smoothly and quickly. Here are a few tips to ensure optimal computer performance that will save your hotel tim...