CCPA, CPRA and the Changing Privacy Landscape
Cendyn | January 20, 2023
The protection of customer data is a crucial component of every hotelier’s digital strategy. Given the recent passage of new legal provisions in California, online privacy concerns are more important than ever. What are the new measures, and how will they impact the hospitality business? Here’s what you need to know. 2023 is a brand-new year. And now that the confetti has been swept up, the champagne bottles have been recycled and the “Auld Lang Syne”s have been sung, it’s time to take a look at what’s on the horizon for the hospitality industry. Many hoteliers are already aware of several important legal changes that have t...
Hotel Data Security Update: Hotels, Hotel Owners and Employee Personal Information
Bob Braun | October 26, 2022
By Jim Butler, Bob Braun Hotel operators and owners have long been focused on the privacy of the personal information they collect from guests – because of the global nature of the hospitality business, hotel brands have focused on complying with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and beginning in 2018, the Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the first comprehensive law designed to protect the privacy of consumers’ personal information. Businesses that are subject to the GDPR and the CCPA are required, among other things, to respond to consumers who wish to view the personal information collected by the business...
The Rise of Data Regulation & The Impact on Hotel Marketing
GCommerce | February 19, 2020
Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Director of Marketing The rise of digital advertising grew from an era of limited tracking capabilities to an era of almost unlimited access to tracking user data across the web. This advancement in tracking has provided amazing opportunities to enhance campaign targeting options, narrowing targets based on user behavior and tying that tracking back to direct online booked revenue. This wild west atmosphere of digital tracking reached an apex that finally had governments and citizens around the world taking notice and growing concerned. Concepts around privacy and data took hold with the general public...
FAQ: How Cendyn Is Preparing for CCPA
Casey Munck | October 11, 2019
By Casey Munck Frequently asked questions As many of you know, the California Consumer Privacy Act will soon go into effect. Like GDPR, it has wide-sweeping effects for the hotel and technology industries at large. To help prepare our customers, we’ve prepared a Q & A below to educate our clients on the new legislature, how hotels need to prepare and what we’re doing to support. Please review thoroughly below and let us know if you have any further questions, which should be directed to Denise Barker, our Privacy and Security Officer at What is an overview of the CCPA? This new legislation has a wide impact...