communications hierarchy
Rearranging the Communications Hierarchy in the Post-Pandemic
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | March 23, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky Now that Covid is waning, it is time for us to re-examine how to use communications media to our full advantage. Going all the way back to Marshall McLuhan’s ‘the medium is the message’ proclamation, we’ve known that the type of channel you use to talk with a guest will influence satisfaction and customer spend. But the preferred mediums change as society does, especially in the wake of the internet, smartphones and the pandemic, and you need to pivot accordingly to maximize revenues. To be fair, one of the more positive legacies of the pandemic has been the general acceptance of videoconferencing ...
Reexamining the Communications Hierarchy for Centennial Guests
Larry Mogelonsky | January 6, 2021
By Larry Mogelonsky, MBA, P. Eng. ( It seems like just yesterday we were talking about how to adjust your method of communications to better appeal to millennial guests. Now that the first of this cohort is about to turn 40, it’s time to turn over a fresh leaf and look at the next rising star in spending power. When discussing a ‘communications hierarchy’, what we are first trying to do is rank all forms of communication from most to least influential. Even with special considerations for COVID-19 safety, it’s nevertheless a matter of guiding potential customers up this ladder, knowing that the more influentia...
The Communications Hierarchy in Three Principles and Five Tips
Larry Mogelonsky | August 16, 2017
By Larry Mogelonsky, MBA, P. Eng. ( For going on a decade now, I've encouraged readers to reexamine their B2B and B2C communications in terms of how the medium impacts the message itself. To help organize my thoughts on the matter, I proposed a heirarchial flowchart outlining 13 different forms of modern communications based on the level of importance conveyed by each. My motivation for tackling this subject was the rise of email and mobile communications, both of which have had sweeping influences on how we behave and socialize. With each passing month, mobile becomes more significant as a channel, thus necessitating...