employee trust
Does Trust Encourage or Discourage Employees to Share Their Suggestions?
Linchi Kwok | March 1, 2023
By Linchi Kwok The positive effects of employees’ trust in their supervisors have been widely documented, such as job engagement, performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Given supervisors’ authority in the workplace, we suspect supervisors would bear a critical role in initiating trusting supervisor-employee relationships. As suggested in the social exchange theory, employees may perceive supervisor trust in them as a kind act by the supervisor and feel obligated to return such a kind act with their trust in supervisor. The Research To examine the relationships among (supervisor) trust in employee, (employee) felt trust...
Three Powerful and Easy Ways to Gain Employee Trust
Shep Hyken | September 21, 2022
By Shep Hyken Just a few weeks ago, I wrote about how to create trust with customers. No doubt, a customer who trusts you is more likely to do business with you. And while that is obviously important, creating trust with employees may be even more so. A company that is trusted by customers is first trusted by employees. With that in mind, here are my top three ways to create employee trust: Let employees do the job they were hired to do. If this sounds like the concept of empowerment, well, it is. After you hire good people and properly train them to do their jobs, don’t get in their way! Don’t block their capabilities ...