Experience Economy
The Experience Economy Endures: 2023 Deloitte Summer Travel Survey
Deloitte | May 30, 2023
Signs point to a busy season, as pricing pressure does not seem to deter Americans from enjoying their vacations More than two years after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines helped relaunch the experience economy, this summer is poised to improve on an already buoyant Summer 2022. Half of Americans say they will take a leisure vacation (involving a stay in paid lodging; see figure 1) this summer, up from 46% in 2022. And they are doing so with enthusiasm, taking more international flights and adding an average of one trip to their calendar. Concerns, however, persist—50% of nontravelers say they will stay home due to financial worries. ...
Ten Hotel Possibilities for the Metaverse
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | August 10, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky Now that the current ‘crypto winter’ is weeding out all the cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes with no real applications or utility, it’s time to put on your futurist cap and ponder some actual use cases for what this coming technology will offer to hotels. For background on blockchain, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), web3 and all the basics related to how those work, there are lots of great resources out there, and explaining it all would make this article way too long for a casual read. On that note, here are ten possibilities to consider. 1. An Extension of the Experience Economy. We’re b...