Fabian Bartnick
8 Revenue Manager Phrases That Mean “I Am Winging It and Have No Idea”
Fabian Bartnick | October 31, 2024
By Fabian Bartnick We’ve all been there—stuck in a meeting where someone says something that makes you think, Do they actually know what they’re talking about? Here are 8 classic phrases from revenue managers who are definitely winging it. 1. We’re optimizing our mix across all channels. Translation: I threw some guesses out there and hoped for the best. Please don’t ask for specifics. 2. The data suggests we should hold rates steady. Translation: I looked at the numbers, but there’s no way I can explain why it matters. Holding steady just sounded safe. 3. Our forecast accuracy is a high priority for us. Transl...
The Power of Persistence: A Revenue Manager’s Lesson From Milan
Fabian Bartnick | August 28, 2024
By Fabian Bartnick A skill every revenue manager needs! I forgot about it. Now it's back :-) It all began during our journey to Milan last week. My family and I were listening to the Million Dollar Weekend podcast, which featured a discussion about the power of follow-up and how every “no” can breed countless opportunities for sales. Downside none, upside unlimited. It was an insightful session, but it wasn’t until later that evening, when we took the tram home from seeing the city, that the lesson truly hit home. The Persistent Power of a Nine-Year-Old After we arrived in Milan and settled in, went for dinner and took the tr...
Revenue Management in Real Life: The Art of Saying No
Fabian Bartnick | June 19, 2024
As a seasoned revenue manager and a parent, I've come to realize that the principles of revenue management aren't confined to the boardroom or the hotel lobby—they extend right into our living rooms. Today, let's dive into the art of saying no and draw some amusing correlations between revenue management and real-time parenting with my two little darlings, Rafa (10) and Hayden (9). Setting Boundaries: The Hotel and the Home Imagine your hotel as a bustling kindergarten. Your guests, much like children, have high expectations and boundless energy. As revenue managers (RMs) and general managers (GMs), we often feel like the teachers tryi...