generational preferences
Bracing for the Boom: Are Hoteliers Missing Out on the Most Profitable Guests?
Alan Young | September 19, 2019
By Alan E. Young Over the past few years, millennials (individuals born between 1982 and 2000) have received special attention, as leaders across industries speak to their growing presence, impressive buying power, and unique buying behaviors. However, while millennials may be the future, the decision to turn our sights away from the baby boom generation would be irrevocably ill-advised. Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are the wealthiest age group of the century, represent an audience of 74.9 million, and in the past decade, they spent more than any other generation. In 2016, nearly three in 10 U.S. leisure travelers were baby...
Welcoming Gen Z – To Our Business and the Workplace
Linchi Kwok | October 5, 2018
By Linchi Kwok It was like yesterday when we just discussed the expectations of Millennials and what can be done in responding to their needs. Today's update is about Gen Z, also known as "post-Millennials" or "iGen," the generation that will soon surpass the Millennials in 2019. Who are the Gen Zers? Some define Gen Z as those who were born after 1996 (age 21 or younger as of 2018) while others consider Gen Z are those who were born after 2000 (17 or younger as of 2018). Using the cutoff line of 2000/2001, Gen Zers will comprise 32 percent of the world population, but the Millennials only account for 31.5 percen...