healthcare destination
The Strategic Value for Having an Onsite Medical Clinic at Hotels
Adel Eldin | October 12, 2020
by Adel Eldin, MBA, MD Cardiologist, Tampa, Florida, Frederick J. DeMicco, Ph.D., Professor, and Shelly Rehav, MBA student, the Northern Arizona University, W.A. Franke College of Business The benefits of a medical clinic located within a resort or hotel property are well founded. With an aging society and with travel and tourism set to increase post COVID-19, partnering with an onsite medical clinic franchise could strongly benefit a hotel. There are numerous lodging and medical clinic joint models that currently exist and thrive. A medical clinic located on property, or in close proximity of a hotel, allows a domestic or international...
Global Innovative Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis and How Medical Tourism Can Positively Impact Lodging Businesses
Dr. Adel Eldin | September 17, 2020
By Adel Eldin, M.D. MBA. Brooksville Cardiology, Tampa, FL and Frederick J. DeMicco, Ph.D. Professor, Northern Arizona University Medical Tourism and Medical Travel can bring patient/guests to the hotels throughout many healthcare destinations around the United States. One model is Florida Medical Tourism (FMT) (, a Global Hub for Medical Tourism Services for inbound, outbound, and domestic clients. Florida Medical Tourism is important for the economy of Florida and offers great opportunities. See Figure 1 below. Florida is one of the most visited destination in the World with more than 130 mi...