hotel financial leadership
Engage Their Hearts and Minds First
David Lund | September 5, 2023
You might think that getting your hotel leadership team excited about accounting is like convincing them it is fun to go to the dentist. Your average person wants nothing to do with it because they are predisposed to think it is yucky, boring and better left to someone who has trouble walking and talking at the same time. But once they begin to understand what the numbers mean and how they apply this understanding to general operations and the bottom line, they will feel just the opposite. My book, The Prosperous Hotelier, aims to do just that. Hotel leaders ALL want to have the financial wherewithal to dazzle their peers. They know i...
Hospitality Financial Leadership: Moving Part 1
David Lund | November 23, 2020
By David Lund In the hotel business if you want to get ahead you better be ready to move. It’s the way in which you can multiply your opportunities and increase your chance for greater personal prosperity. That’s the way it was explained to me many years ago and it has certainly been my experience. On the flip side, moving is not easy and it can take its toll on you and the people in your relationships. One aspect of moving is the accumulated experience it allows you to gain. The work exposure as well as life itself. Learning how to survive and excel in different work environments and locations is seducing and intoxicating. Once you...
Hospitality Financial Leadership: What Do Peter Pan and Your Hotel Career Have in Common?
David Lund | November 9, 2020
By David Lund “All children, except one, grow up.” ~ Peter Pan In the hotel business we don’t want to grow up either. That’s why so many people find our business so exciting and interesting and that’s why they stick around and work crazy days and super long weeks. Why else would anyone want to do these things? In my experience many of the people in hospitality who really excel in their careers came for a summer job and stayed a lifetime. That’s the unexpected magical spell that lands on you when you fall in love with the hotel business. Falling in love is exciting and everything seems effortless and new. But what happens ...
What Is “Hospitality Financial Leadership Anyway?”
David Lund | July 1, 2019
By David Lund This is a question I have been asked many times. Exactly what is financial leadership and why hospitality? Finding the three words together “HFL” in a sentence three years ago was not possible. I know because I tried to google them and came up with a bunch of leadership consultants and courses. Even the words “financial leadership” revealed surprisingly little. Some tidbits about CEO’s and their role but nothing any broader. Financial leadership is in my opinion the cornerstone of any manager, executive or leader’s business acumen. It enables the individual to see the importance of being plugged into the strate...