hotel mogel consulting limites
The Slow Burn Growth of Hotel Wellness
Adam and Larry Mogelonsky | August 23, 2023
By Adam and Larry Mogelonsky The challenge with gradual trends, such as the ongoing aging of the baby boomer generation, lies not so much in predicting them, but rather in quantifying their minute-by-minute growth and translating all of the macroeconomic data into actionable adjustments on a short-term financial basis. In the grand, grand scheme of things, an inability to pivot can lead to outcomes similar to Blockbuster and Kodak, where unforeseen market shifts caused irreparable damage. Hindsight questions like "Why didn’t we act sooner to capitalize on this clear opportunity?" overlook the influence of entrenched culture and the ne...
The Latest Wine Trend for Fall Then 2024
Adam and Larry Mogelonsky | August 9, 2023
By Adam and Larry Mogelonsky If you know either of us, then you know that we are big fans of wine. Besides the actual taste and endless variety of production around the world, we write about wine because it’s a great way to ramp up restaurant revenues on a high-margin basis. But this only occurs when the wine is effectively marketed and sold. For reference (and to show we actually know what we’re talking about), we published a book about how to sell more wine last year, and we’ve written about how finetuning your wine strategy can be used to generate quick wins for the hotel. Today, we look ahead, first to Q4 2023 then to 2024. Sp...