japan hotels
Delay of 2020 Olympics Devastating for Tokyo Lodging Industry, Says GlobalData
GlobalData | April 2, 2020
Major players based in the Japanese capital will be relieved that an Olympic cancellation has been avoided, but smaller operators will be unable to see a silver lining, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Ralph Hollister, Travel & Tourism Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Many smaller establishments that do not have the high cash reserves that their large-scale competitors possess needed the Olympics to occur this summer. “The closure of major attractions in Japan that encouraged a constant flow of guests such as Tokyo Disneyland, combined with China banning overseas trips, has created a severe lack of tourism...
Can Japan’s Hotels Keep Up With Soaring Demand?
Jll Real Views | October 26, 2017
By Serene Lim Tourism is booming like never before in the Land of the Rising Sun as visitors flock from across Asia and further afield. While rising numbers are in line with government plans to welcome 60 million tourists by 2030 to help offset struggling areas of the Japanese economy, the hotel industry faces in own challenges in keeping up with growing demand for rooms. Last year, hotel construction starts doubled to 1.96 million square metres, reaching an 18 year high. Major hotel operators are rushing to open before the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 – Marriott leads the pack with five properties as it rebrands existing hotels. Meanwh...