jennifer nagy
To Buy or Not to Buy… That Is the Question
JLNPR Inc. | October 10, 2019
2 Tips to Boost Your Company’s Brand Awareness & Close More Sales By Jennifer Nagy Small businesses, especially those in the startup phase, spend a lot of time focusing on how to increase sales. (I mean, rightfully so; after sinking thousands of dollars into developing a brand-spanking new technology solution, who wouldn’t want to start making some of that cash back ASAP?!) Because of that mindset, most entrepreneurs launch their business with a complete sales strategy established, a team hired to do the legwork and incentive structures established to incentivize their sales staff – which is great; however, in many cases, h...
The 5 Deadly Sins of Content Marketing
JLNPR Inc. | September 13, 2018
By Jennifer Nagy Are you a sinner or a saint? While we all have our good and bad days, when it comes to the BIG five sins of content marketing, I'd guess that most hospitality marketers have been very naughty this year (tsk tsk!)! (In case you need a quick overview of what content marketing is and why you HAVE TO implement a content marketing strategy for your hospitality business today (no matter whether yours is a B2B or B2C company), read my HuffPost article, "Content Marketing 101.") Now that we're all caught up, let's put your marketing tactics to the test… have you committed any of these five content marketing sins? If so,...
PR vs. Advertising: Which Marketing Tactic is Best for Hospitality Start-Ups?
JLNPR Inc. | December 15, 2016
By Jennifer Nagy, President of JLNPR Inc. There's a misconception held by many business owners that public relations (PR) and advertising are completely interchangeable (in terms of the benefits that they offer), but that isn't true. While each has benefits, there are many reasons that PR is more effective for start-ups – especially for those in the hospitality industry. Here are five examples of when using PR will be more effective than advertising for hospitality start-ups: When you need to educate your audiences One of the most exciting things about working in the hospitality industry is the innovation that you experience first...
Marketing Lessons From 2015 to Keep in 2016
JLNPR Inc. | January 19, 2016
By Jennifer Nagy, President of JLNPR Inc. Many companies are now working on finalizing their marketing plans for 2016. For some, it will just be a continuation of the same 2015 strategy, slightly updated to suit the expected market and demand changes in the New Year. Others will be scrapping the old, and ushering in the New Year with a brand new marketing strategy. But no matter which way your company is planning to move forward, there are lessons that you must take from 2015 to ensure that your strategies are effective at accomplishing your 2016 development goals. Content (marketing) is king. By now, you've probably heard many people ...
Three Ways to Shorten Your B2B Company’s Sales Cycle
JLNPR Inc. | October 19, 2015
By Jennifer Nagy, President of JLNPR Inc. Every company's ultimate goal is financial success (a.k.a. profitability) but many find it difficult to maintain, especially when their business model is based on one-off purchases. Another difficulty in consistently achieving financial profitability is the length of a company's sales cycle. If a company has an average sales cycle that lasts months or even years, it can create long earning gaps in between clients. As such, a company with a shorter sales cycle is more likely to achieve financial success and be able to maintain it consistently over the long-term. So how can a B2B business shorten ...
The Importance of Brand Awareness for a B2B Company
Jennifer Nagy & JLNPR Inc. | August 25, 2015
By Jennifer Nagy Small businesses, especially those in the startup phase, spend a lot of time focusing on how they can boost sales. They have sales pitches drafted, teams hired to do the legwork and incentive structures established to incentivize their sales staff to do their best. But one important factor that has a huge impact on the success or failure of a sales pitch is often overlooked: brand awareness. Before I explain why brand awareness is one of – if not the most – important factors affecting the sales cycle, let's go back to the theory. The 5 Stages of the Customer Buying Cycle Customers, no matter whether they are purchas...
Seven Tips to Improve your B2B Marketing – Part Three
Jennifer Nagy & JLNPR Inc. | August 24, 2015
By Jennifer Nagy In the last few months, I wrote Part One and Two of a three-part series that outlines seven tips for B2B companies to increase the ROI on their marketing efforts, shorten the sales cycle and increase conversions. Part One of the series offered tips on how to use public relations, guest author opportunities and content marketing to promote your B2B company and Part Two covered another very important B2B marketing tactic: conferences and industry events. Today, in Part Three, we will be covering the final three tips on how B2B companies can improve their marketing efforts. Whitepapers A whitepaper is a more in-depth marke...
Seven Tips to Improve your B2B Marketing – Part Two
Jennifer Nagy & JLNPR Inc. | August 17, 2015
By Jennifer Nagy, President of JLNPR Inc. Last week, I wrote Part One of a three-part series that outlines seven tips for B2B companies to increase the ROI on their marketing efforts, shorten the sales cycle and increase conversions. Part One of the series offered tips on how to use public relations and content marketing to promote your B2B company, and today in Part Two, I will be covering another very important B2B marketing tactic: conferences and industry events. Conferences & Industry Events Industry conferences are a fantastic way to meet potential clients face-to-face, which helps to develop relationships much more quickly th...