key performance indicator
Cogwheel Analytics Announces Launch of Hotel Digital Marketing Benchmarking Scorecard
Cogwheel Analytics | October 2, 2024
Denver, CO – We are pleased to introduce our latest innovation, the Benchmarking Scorecard. This enterprise tool is crafted to transform how hotels assess their digital marketing performance. Tailored to meet the needs of hotel management companies, ownership groups and digital marketing agencies for both branded and independent hotels. The Benchmarking Scorecard allows you to compare your hotels’ performance indexes against key performance indicators of similar hotels. The Benchmarking Scorecard leverages the latest advancements in automation technology and integrates seamlessly with our existing business intelligence and descriptive ...
Occupancy vs ADR, the Never Ending Discussion in Revenue Management
Patrick Landman | June 6, 2024
By Patrick Landman Since the early days revenue management has been applied in hotels, there has been an intriguing ongoing discussion. What drives more value to the business, ADR, average daily rate, or occupancy? I have been in hotel revenue management consulting since 2006, and it is a question that keeps coming back. ‘How can I make more profit with my hotel?’ Owners that are closely watching the P&L statement are especially keen to understand how they can drive the bottom line of their hospitality business. Which is it? So what is it, Occupancy or Average Room Rate (ARR)? The answer is of course both! As t...
What Are the Best KPIs for Measuring Hotel Profitability?
HotStats | October 14, 2020
As COVID-19 continues its charge unabated, it’s natural for hoteliers to feel like they’re on loose financial footing. And as room revenue becomes less predictable, many hoteliers are seeing their revenue-only strategies give way beneath them. Want to build your plans around a more solid hotel performance indicator? Look no further than benchmarking hotel profitability. By measuring hotel profitability, hoteliers can cement their performance strategy in figures that tell a true story of the hotel’s financial health. In this article, we lay out the top KPIs for measuring hotel profitability and pick out ways to use them to gener...