Managing People? Start by Improving Yourself
EHL | September 11, 2024
Most of us have experienced good and bad bosses. And the difference is huge. A good boss makes you feel supported, builds positive workplace relationships, and boosts employee satisfaction. A bad boss, on the other hand, micromanages, shows favoritism, hinders your creativity, and makes every day feel like a grind. Bad bosses can manifest in many forms - no emotional intelligence, overconfidence, and taking credit for other people’s work. But why do these people who seem so unsuited for leadership roles continue to rise to the top, and what can you do to be one of the good guys? What is the extent of the bad boss problem? Numerous st...
Improving Workplace Communication: Balancing Assertiveness and Empathy
EHL | August 16, 2024
Why is empathy important in tandem with assertiveness? Is it a critical prerequisite for fostering an environment where innovation, collaboration, and productivity thrive? Excelling in communication is not solely about making your voice heard but understanding the diverse voices around you, thus achieving a balance that propels teams toward shared goals while respecting individual perspectives. Through EHL's Women in Leadership initiative, I recently attended an assertiveness workshop with Valentina Coco. As we delve into this exploration, my focus will be on unpacking the fundamentals of assertive communication and why mastering how t...
Leading Change Effectively – Insights From Top Hospitality Leaders
EHL | July 19, 2024
Dr. Stefano Borzillo, Dr. Steffen Raub Welcome to a collection of insights and learnings based on the lived experiences of some of the many hospitality managers encountered at EHL. Based on practicing a set of key principles and behaviors, becoming an effective change leader is a skill that develops over time. The need for constant change It has become almost commonplace to state that change is everywhere around us. And yet, it is true that in complex and challenging business contexts few organizations can be successful without continuously questioning and adapting their way of doing things to the changing realities of the industry aroun...
The Heart of a Leader
Dr. Bryan K. Williams | July 11, 2024
Why should anyone follow you? Anywhere? Seriously, that is the question that leaders must ask themselves. John Maxwell wrote, "If you think you are leading, and no one's following, then you’re just taking a walk. A cynic might ask, "who do you think you are to believe that YOU are worthy to be followed?" And if you're not careful, you might believe that only those who have been anointed with special degrees and certifications are "worthy" to lead. You might think that you're too young to lead. You might accept that you're too inexperienced to lead. You might even think that you're not competent enough to lead. All of those thing...
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: The Perfect Combination
EHL | June 10, 2024
When we think about leadership qualities, not more than a decade or two ago, emotional intelligence would have come a long way down the list. However, our expectations of work and what it means to be a leader have shifted drastically since then. Now, if you talk to most leadership and HR experts, they will tell you that emotional intelligence is one of the most, if not the most important skill for today’s business leaders. Operational and technical skills are still essential, but modern organizations are increasingly looking for effective leaders who can create positive work cultures, encourage employee growth, consider other p...
How To Extinguish Hospitality Burnout
Matthijs Welle | June 5, 2024
By Matthijs Welle We work in an exhausting industry. So much of our time is dedicated to ensuring that our guests have remarkable experiences that we forget to pursue our own happiness. I’ve worked in both sides of industry – on the front lines at reception and behind the scenes in hospitality tech – and in both areas I’ve often felt exhausted and overworked. So what’s the solution? Obviously, I don’t have all the answers. It took me years to find the best ways to recharge and find my personal balance. But I do believe that hoteliers and anyone in hospitality have a particular responsibility to look after themselves...
The Tension Between Leadership and Customer Service
Shep Hyken | May 9, 2024
By Shep Hyken My friend Sterling Hawkins just wrote a great article about the tension between the leadership of a company and the salesforce. Hawkins reports the president of a Fortune 500 company told him, “Tension between the salesforce and leadership is normal. One is always bargaining with the other for more. The sales team wants more time and budget, and the leadership wants more sales.” That made me think of the tension that is sometimes created between leadership and the customer service team. In the end, it’s mostly because of unrealistic expectations. It reminds me of an episode of Amazing Business Radio when I...
DiamondRock Hospitality Company Implements Leadership Changes and Simplified Organizational Structure
DiamondRock Hospitality Company | April 15, 2024
Jeffrey Donnelly Appointed Chief Executive Officer; Briony Quinn Appointed Chief Financial Officer; Justin Leonard Appointed President Appointments Capitalize on DiamondRock's Strong Bench and Proven Talent to Drive Continued Business Momentum Company Reaffirms 2024 Annual Guidance BETHESDA, Md., April 15, 2024 -- DiamondRock Hospitality Company (the "Company") (NYSE: DRH), a lodging-focused real estate investment trust that owns a portfolio of 36 premium hotels and resorts in the United States, today announced leadership changes and a simplified organizational structure to drive continued business momentum: Jeffrey Donnelly, previ...