lisa mccreary
Best Practices for Messaging Your Hotel’s Reopening During COVID-19
GCommerce | May 27, 2020
By Lisa McCreary and Amy McNeill When people are ready to travel again they are going to return to brands and hotels they trust. The question is, how can your hotel instill trust in loyal guests and new guests in a post-COVID-19 world? The answer is consistent communication and thoughtful messaging. Your team has been working hard to develop a plan for reopening that follows local guidelines to maintain guest and employee safety. You should share this information and messaging across different channels to help re-establish trust with your customers. This trust will make them feel secure in booking at your hotel to drive the revenue your bu...
The Rise of Data Regulation & The Impact on Hotel Marketing
GCommerce | February 19, 2020
Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Director of Marketing The rise of digital advertising grew from an era of limited tracking capabilities to an era of almost unlimited access to tracking user data across the web. This advancement in tracking has provided amazing opportunities to enhance campaign targeting options, narrowing targets based on user behavior and tying that tracking back to direct online booked revenue. This wild west atmosphere of digital tracking reached an apex that finally had governments and citizens around the world taking notice and growing concerned. Concepts around privacy and data took hold with the general public...
3 Steps for Successful 2019 On-Page SEO for Hotel Websites
GCommerce | April 25, 2019
By Lisa McCreary, Director of Search Engine Marketing, GCommerce Over the years the mission statement for successful on-page SEO for hotel websites remains the same: Make sure to follow best practices to position your website for the greatest chance of visibility in the SERP. Provide a superior user experience that is reflected through highly relevant content, well structured navigation with easy path to book. Search engine optimization continues to evolve. Every year the nuances of the game changes slightly with new technical developments, new announcements or hints from Google and changing competition. Only brands and websites that c...
How Much Should I Spend on Paid Search for My Hotel?
Lisa McCreary | October 19, 2017
Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Search Marketing Manager We get this question all the time from prospective clients and new clients and it's also something we revisit at least once (or more) every year for current clients. The truth is, there's a lot more to it than picking a number based on the hotel's location. It's a complex answer that can only be determined by deep discovery and understanding of the hotel and its goals, the market the property is located within and historical data from the hotel. At GCommerce, every client's budget recommendations are customized based on the hotel's specific goals, historical performance and ...
How to Be Successful with Google Hotel Ads & Hotel Meta Search
GCommerce | August 17, 2017
By Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Search Marketing Manager We're breaking down what hotel metasearch means, where it fits into your online marketing strategy and how you can be successful using this marketing channel. In the world of online travel first came the search engines, then the OTAs (online travel agencies, i.e. Expedia) and most recently the metasearch engine websites such as Trivago and Kayak. Hoteliers are forced to evolve and utilize new online channels to be visible and compete effectively online. But what is the most effective way for hotels to use these channels? Since the launch of Google's Hotel CPC program, hot...
How Your Hotel Can Win in a Mobile First World
Lisa McCreary | July 6, 2017
by Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Search Marketing Manager The world has gone mobile and it shouldn't come as any surprise. How many hours do you clock per day on your mobile device? Google has been vocal about the importance of mobile for years and it's something that GCommerce has been preparing clients for since the first iPhone was released (that's dating back to 2007 for quick reference). First, a quick history of a few of Google's mobile-ly motivated actions. In 2013, Google Adwords transitioned to Enhanced Campaigns, effectively taking away the ability to target a campaign to only one device type. Why? Because they want yo...
10 Search Engine Marketing Trends Hotels Need To Know In 2017
Lisa McCreary | June 29, 2017
by Lisa McCreary | GCommerce Solutions | Search Marketing Manager The top search engine marketers in the world met over 3 days in Seattle to discuss and present current and future trends within the industry, covering everything from how to obtain position 0 in the SERP to the exciting future of Voice Search and everything in between. Here's a breakdown of what all hoteliers need to know about the present and future of search engine marketing for hotels. 1. ROBOTS ARE TAKING OVER! EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY AND START USING CHATBOTS. It's been proven for many years that live chat on your website boosts conversion rate but many hotels run into ope...