onsite experience
Four Hotel Applications for NFTs
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | June 30, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky Yes, we know. The crypto bubble is bursting. But the dotcom bust didn’t end the internet, and likewise you shouldn’t ignore this technology. In fact, now that all the hype is dying down, now may be the perfect time to plant the seeds for the decade ahead. For those in need of a refresher, there are innumerous articles on how nonfungible tokens (NFTs) work and what the metaverse promises, but key to all this is the idea of ‘nonfungibility’ or specific points of access or asset governance that are unalterable due to their immutable recordkeeping on a blockchain. NFTs are simply digital identifiers â...
Travel Recovery Starts in the Lobby Bar
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | May 25, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky In the current travel recovery scenario, first impressions are everything. It isn’t just about maximizing new arrivals during the rapidly inbound summer peak season but ensuring that your property creates a lasting memory so that you are considered for a return visit. With lots of amenities curtailed during the pandemic, hotels must now rethink the physicality of the onsite experience so that positive sentiments are instilled, and this starts at the entranceway then continues into the lobby area. Remember that so many of us are just now emerging from our pandemic caves. Many of us crave the bustle and glam...