OTA booking
Is Blockchain the True Solution to the OTA Challenge or Is It Merely a Silver Bullet Hope?
Dr Nicole Rosenkranz | October 6, 2021
By Saskia Hillmann & Nicole Rosenkranz There is the paid search, the SEOs and everything else you pay commission for. This is the landscape at the moment. So, you have as a hotel, you have a Greek salad, which is very tasty, but if you mix it, it doesn't look very constructive. No direct business - Only middlemen”. D.A. President Swiss Hotel Association & Ambassador of Swiss blockchain start-ups. How is Blockchain relevant to the industry? In the new global digital world of the fourth industrial revolution, blockchain technology has been revolutionizing many industries from banking and insurance all the way ...
Google Hotel Ads, The OTA Disrupter Your Hotel Needs Now
GCommerce | September 7, 2021
September 7, 2021 by Lisa McGivney Back in July, we shed light on how direct bookings can be more profitable than OTA bookings for hotels, even when you factor in media costs. The development and execution of a superior direct booking strategy for our hotel clients has always been GCommerce’s mission. Why? Because we were born out of a hotel management company which means we’ve always tried to focus on what’s best for the hotel. It’s in our DNA. Now, what if I told you that there was a risk free direct booking channel that can drive an average of 8% of total web bookings at an average 5% conversion rate? One that only incurs ...