pet-friendly hotels
Is Your Hotel Barking Up the Right Tree?
Sonya Taylor | February 16, 2021
By Sonya Taylor Was it the picture of our staff’s adorable dogs that interested you in this article, or was it the punny title? Regardless of your answer to that question, I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you are not pet friendly, you’re missing out on a “Mastiff” opportunity. Why Should I Have a Pet Friendly Hotel? Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a steady increase in hotel guests searching for accommodations for the whole family, including FIDO. Boomers and Millennials finally agreed on something, they want to travel with their beloved fur-babies. Now that we are in the midst of a pandemic that has pivoted...
The Year of the Dog Hotel
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | January 13, 2021
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky It should come as no surprise to anyone that the pandemic has changed traveler behavior. By understanding some of the nuances of this progression, you can then more precisely target growing niches within the leisure segment, particularly in light of the slow return of groups and corporate guests. For now, 2020’s pivot for operations, marketing and sales was largely focused on: Cleanliness, sanitization and disinfection updates Delivery of contactless service, enabled by technology or otherwise Social distancing through physical, temporal and capacity buffers Privacy, anonymity, seclusion or r...
Pet Hotels: The Ultimate ‘Niche’?
Stuart Pallistter | July 6, 2018
By Stuart Pallister Globally, pet care represents a huge market that's worth some 180 billion USD. So even though the panel discussion at the Window 2 the Future forum was supposed to focus on globalization generally, perhaps it was inevitable that pet care (and pet hotels) would come under the spotlight, especially as one of the panelists was a senior executive with a pet food firm, which is owned by Nestlé. Philippe Perianin, Head of Business Development & Ecosystem at Nestlé Purina Pet Care Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), told the forum the market was growing steadily. "When you look at Europe for example, ...