Rajesh P Yadav
How Can Hospitality Respond to the Rise of Wellness Travel Among Men?
Rajesh P. Yadav | November 22, 2023
By Rajesh P. Yadav The recent years marked a significant change in the world of wellness travel. Not long ago, themes of mental wellbeing and self-love were predominantly associated with female audiences, but today, personal care has broken free from gender stereotypes. As more light is being shed towards mental health and well-being, more men are now embracing the idea of self-care and wellness with the same passion as their female counterparts. This acknowledgement of the importance of holistic health for everyone is also changing the dynamics of hospitality offerings and the workings of the leisure businesses. Wellness hospitali...
Top Services That Guarantee Ancillary Revenue in the Hospitality Industry
Rajesh P Yadav | August 8, 2023
by Rajesh P Yadav The topic of ancillary revenue has been widespread ever since the onset of the pandemic, which significantly altered the cause of hospitality. Businesses have entered a new age, experimenting with new income sources and expanding their revenue strategies beyond the traditional. While lodging, accommodation and food are what hospitality is known for most, the world noticed how leveraging ancillary revenue opportunities can guarantee faster recovery and sustainability, even during crisis times. Several businesses in the hotel industry adopted diverse distribution strategies to sell non-room revenue products and serv...