service training
Ten Reasons Why You Should Deliver an Amazing Customer Experience
Shep Hyken | February 23, 2023
By Shep Hyken Ten years ago, I wrote an article about why delivering an amazing customer experience is important. While many of those concepts are still valid today, it’s time to modify the list and give a few of the original reasons a facelift to bring them into current times. First, a reminder that an amazing customer experience isn’t about being over the top. It’s simply consistently meeting or (ever so slightly) exceeding expectations. It’s the consistent and predictable experience that makes customers trust you and come back. So, here are today’s 10 reasons why you should deliver an amazing customer service e...
FOMU…The Fear of Messing Up
Shep Hyken | December 14, 2022
By Shep Hyken You have most likely heard people use the expression FOMO, an acronym for Fear of Missing Out. People have a hard time deciding what to do or where to go and worry about missing out on a fun experience, a business opportunity, and more. Recently, I interviewed Dominic Constandi for Amazing Business Radio. We talked about different customer service and experience topics, and he casually mentioned FOMU. I knew what FOMO meant but wasn’t sure about FOMU, which, as it turns out, stands for Fear of Messing Up. Specifically, he talked about how the stakes are higher than ever in business. Faced with the pandemic, suppl...
Sentipensante – The Perfect Word for Teaching the Spirit of Hospitality
Doug Kennedy | September 20, 2022
By Doug Kennedy Having written hospitality and sales training articles for over two decades now, I’m often asked “How do you continue to come up with new ideas every month?” Truth is that it’s actually quite easy when you’re out on the road conducting training just above every week, spending time with the real experts in this industry such as the frontline superstars who make it all happen for guests. Recently, I found my latest writing inspiration while I was back at one of my favorite stops, the amazing Nizuc Resort & Spa in Cancún, Mexico. During one of my classes, we were discussing what I have always called “the lo...
The Beginning Is Near… Time to Get Back to Hospitality
Aspire | June 2, 2020
Aspire announces The Art of Hospitality, a new and highly relevant service delivery training program to support the hospitality industry as they re-open and re-enter their respective markets. “The challenges our tourism community faces are significant and complex. Guest service delivery needs to be re-thought, re-processed and team members need to be re-trained as we get back to work.”, says JC Thompson, Aspire’s Chief Operating Officer. Over the past 25 years Aspire’s research based and strategic approach to culture driven guest service training has allowed us to position the guest experience as a true competitive advantage and se...
10 Years Ago, Customer Service Was Appreciated—Today, It’s Expected
Shep Hyken | November 14, 2019
By Shep Hyken It wasn’t that long ago that you would go to a store, dine at a restaurant, do business with a vendor or call a customer support center and notice how good the customer service was. A great service experience stood out. It was noticed. It was a differentiator. I started my speaking business in the 1980s. I know, I look much younger than I actually am, but it really was that long ago. Back then, the rock star company that was known for customer service was IBM. They recognized that if they created enough value beyond the actual product, that price would seem less important. That brings me to Lou Sterns, Distinguished Prof...