susan tucker
3 Spring Cleaning Tasks You Can’t Delegate to the Housekeeping Department
Susan Tucker | March 29, 2017
by Susan Tucker Travel season is just around the corner and, believe it or not, your housekeeping department isn't the only one with mounting to-do lists to get ready for it. Your hotel's marketing department should be too! Now is the perfect time to "spring clean" the organization's website and email marketing. Small tweaks now can reap big rewards later. DIGITAL MARKETING FOR HOTELS – SPRING CLEANING TIPS 1. Review & Renew To best understand what needs to be updated, you need to first do a thorough review of your digital assets. Take some time to go through all the main pages of your website to check for obvious updates. As...
Pugs, Politics and More Content Marketing No-No’s for Hospitality Brands
Lure Agency | February 20, 2017
by Susan Tucker Let's face it; it's a dog eat dog world out there in digital marketing land. With more and more brands vying for the decreasing attention span of potential customers, it can be easy to lean on click-bait tactics for standing out. Like pugs. Or politics. Or any Kardashian-ish ploy to get people to look. But, these are all mistakes. Big, 'uge mistakes. If you've fallen victim to any of these content marketing traps, we're asking you to drop the keyboard, take a step back and get yourself back on track with these no-fail content marketing rules that are certain to help drive inbound sales, and your bottom line. CONTENT MARK...
Is Your Hotel Web Design a Trick or Treat?
Susan Tucker | October 21, 2016
by Susan Tucker You never get a second chance to make a first impression. That's why your website is undoubtedly one of the most important assets your organization can have. For any given property, your website is a virtual front door and face to the world. If it scares off a new visitor at the get-go, their quick reaction is to scamper away and head out to a more welcoming destination. However, if you have a deliver thoughtful, engaging and relevant content not only will you pull them in, you'll likely have them converted into raving fans. Are you scaring away potential guests or giving them the sweet stuff? Let's find out. WEB DESIGN ...
From Looking to Booking – Digital Marketing Tips for Luxury Properties
Susan Tucker | September 18, 2016
By Susan Tucker By now you've probably heard it enough to know that in today's digital age every hotelier must have an online presence in order to effectively reach current and potential guests. Particularly unique and independent properties, which may not yet have the benefit of widespread brand recognition. Now that the public is exposed to more media than any time in history, the success of your luxury property will depend on the ability to really hone in on how to attract the right kind of guests. It's not about making your reach more expansive, it's about creating a digital action plan with a goal of precision targeting and engagin...