the hotel mogel
Cost-Efficient Hotel Operations Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Cost Cutting
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | September 7, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky It’s natural during any market correction for owners and operators to want to redline budgets as a way of preserving the bottom line. But in this analysis, what we hope to convey is that abject parsimony and cutting costs across the board can often backfire due to the interconnected nature of hotel operations, resulting in a diminished topline which then stifled the bottom line. Our analysis led us to interview Andrew Carey, CEO of Newport Hospitality Group (NHG), a management company with a portfolio of select and full-service hotels across the Eastern Seaboard, who started off with some bold, concise wor...
Looking Ahead to Where Hospitality Can Be in a Decade
Larry and Adam Mogelonsky | July 20, 2022
By Larry and Adam Mogelonsky Now that we are out of the COVID-19 kerfuffle, we’re all contending with the recovery surge and labor shortages in various ways – mostly by being overworked. Yet on the back of our minds, we’re all thinking: What comes next? What’s possible for our industry? Where do we need to be by 2030 to keep pace with ever-evolving guest demands? Grand changes to our social fabric are afoot; spurned on the pandemic, we live in a tech-centric world with AI continuing to spread its tendrils into every facet of our lives. As a fun food-for-thought piece, here are some hypothetical trends to consider in terms of how...
The Roger Smith Hotel and the New Working-From-a-Hotel Model
Larry Mogelonsky | September 2, 2020
By Larry Mogelonsky, MBA, P. Eng. ( Who is Roger Smith? As the hotel’s Director of Marketing and Co-Owner, John Knowles, jocularly explained during our time together, the enigmatic ‘Roger’ is many things to many people. The personified alias that has given this Midtown Manhattan property its name has always represented a place where great ideas are born and where bold actions are made reality. Now, however, the 136-room Roger Smith Hotel offers an archetypical example of a trendsetting post-Covid adaptation in a major urban center, and hoteliers would be wise to take note. Located at the corner of 47th and Lexin...