Tourism Tidbits: Travel As an Educational Tool
Dr. Peter E. Tarlow | May 13, 2024
By Dr. Peter Tarlow In the northern hemisphere, the months of May and June not only represent the dawn of summer but the end of the academic year and the start of tourism’s high season. From the tourism industry’s perspective as the academic year wanes, tourism enters into its high seasons. It is also at this time of the year that new tourism educational opportunities begin to emerge. Educational tourism is one of the fastest-growing areas of the travel and tourism industry. It is also one that is too often overlooked by tourism professionals and marketers. Educational tourism is not only for young students. People of all ages...
Tourism Tidbits: Travel Ethical Review
Dr. Peter Tarlow | April 12, 2024
By Dr. Peter Tarlow It is not an exaggeration to state that the twenty-first century’s third decade has been one of challenges both for the tourism industry and for nations around the world. Security and safety issues, mixed with issues around energy, ecology, and sustainability have and will continue to play major roles in in the development of travel and tourism. These challenges do not pertain solely to the tourism and travel industry. The travel and tourism industries, however, are to a great extent dependent on disposable income. For example, when nations around the world face difficult economic hurdles these economic pro...
Tourism Tidbits: Returning a Sense of Fascination to Travel and Tourism
Peter Tarlow | December 6, 2021
By Dr. Peter Tarlow These last two years have not been easy. Tourism professionals have seen tourism industries that just a few years ago were highly successful now needing to fight for their survival. Certainly, world pandemics play a major role in this decline. It would be, however, a mistake to blame all of the industry’s problems solely on the pandemic. Careful observers of the travel and tourism scene were already noting potential problems, from poor customer service to over-tourism just a mere 24 months ago. Often a reason cited for this decline is the high price of airline tickets and the fact that businesses had begun to...
Tourism Tidbits: Thinking About Our Security Needs Once We Have Gone Beyond Covid-19
Peter Tarlow | November 2, 2020
By Dr. Peter Tarlow In today’s very politically and economically unstable world the tourism and hospitality industries have no choice but to be sensitive to the needs of security and safety (S&S), and to emphasize public health requirements. Despite this needed emphasis on Covid-19 and the universal pandemic, other classical issues of tourism security and safety still exist and should not be ignored. Security and safety professionals continuously reexamine these issues and are constantly seeking new ways to assure that the public is safe during its travel experience. Each security incident makes the travel industry’s many com...