Shine a light on your guests’ security! Guestroom safes demand up more than 42% over past 2 years.
Guests are demanding a safe and secure environment in all hotels and that is extending into a significant increase in the usage of in room safes. In this era of hyper-identity security, many financial institutions and financial experts are touting the use of hotel room safes to keep all valuables secure during hotel stays. These messages are proliferating across social media platforms so these messages are being read and put into use.
Demand for in room safes has increased by over 42% says Minibar Systems, a leading provider of in room safes and other guest room amenities based in Rockville, MD. “We’ve seen a significant increase in the amount of safes we’ve installed in the past 2 years and the current demand is unprecedented in 2017 as well”, says Walt Strasser, Executive Vice President of Minibar Systems. “Hotels are even asking us to combine safes with our minibar installations so they don’t have to buy the safes outright”, says Strasser.
Minibar’s full guest refreshment Outsource program gives hotels a full serviced minibar program and by including safes it allows hotels to offer both guest services with no upfront costs or financial investment. Click here for more information on guest rooms safes or the minibar outsource program.